Improve the air quality and eliminate all odours from incontinence and medical conditions and the healthcare of care home residents, staff and visitors alike. The AS20/AS20X/AS20M are completely silent using our unique thermal CIV to eliminate unpleasant odours and control harmful bacteria and viruses both in the air and on all exposed surfaces 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
Air Silent units are completely safe for use in an area of continuous occupation such as care home bedrooms. Poor ventilation. incontinence and medical conditions create bacteria. and in many cases, even regular cleaning and disinfecting are simply not enough. The addition of masking agents can make odours worse and do nothing to control the spread of microorganisms.
AIRsteril gets to the root cause of the problem by controlling bacteria, viruses and mould, clearing allergens to improve the air quality. Unpleasant odours are also eliminated creating a more pleasant environment for all.
Medium odour levels & infection control – AS10
High odour levels & infection control – AS10X
Medium odour levels & infection control – AS20
High odour levels & infection control – AS20x
If you would like to speak with a member of the team at Stanbridge, please feel free to contact us using the details below, or alternatively complete the contact form on this page and we will get back to you shortly.
Stanbridge Ltd
Unit 78, Powder Mill Lane
Tel: 01689 806500