Unpleasant lingering odours can leave some rooms unusable or create a negative impression which affects visitors and staff alike. Attempting to mask odours with fragrances can make the area even more unpleasant. Many odours are created by microorganisms. musty odours can indicate mould whereas unpleasant stale odours may be a warning sign of high levels of bacteria.
Traditional cleaning and disinfecting will not eliminate odours, you cannot clean the air itself and even simple odours from food. illness or smoke can remain in an area for days if untreated. Methods such as fogging can increase damp issues or leave chemical residues, often meaning areas cannot be occupied for several hours.
The MPIOO unit offers a rapid, mobile solution to microorganism and odour issues, with many issues resolved in minutes.
Body odour/stale air – 15 minutes
Mild smoke odours/food odours – 30 minutes
Sickness odours/incontinence odours – 1 hour
Strong persistent odours* – 4 hours*
*Odours engrained in fabrics/furnishing will require longer or repeated treatments to clear. Contact us for a specific guide.
If you would like to speak with a member of the team at Stanbridge, please feel free to contact us using the details below, or alternatively complete the contact form on this page and we will get back to you shortly.
Stanbridge Ltd
Unit 78, Powder Mill Lane
Tel: 01689 806500